Do you have heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, anxiety, dementia or are overweight?  A regular exercise routine can help improve all these conditions.  But before I go any further it is important that you consult with your physician before starting any exercise routine.  

5,000 or even 10,000 steps a day is a great start, but without increasing the heart rate you are just moving.  Don’t get me wrong, movement is good, but increasing the heart rate strengthens the heart muscle, and in the process, you are also increasing your lung capacity.  Well how do I do that, you ask?  Simple, walk at a brisk pace or jog, ride a bike, join a virtual or in-person exercise class, do some pushups or jumping jacks, basically any activity that increases your heart rate for an extended period.  
What are the most common barriers to beginning a new exercise regimen?

1) I just don’t have the time. Life does get in the way, it was that way with me for many years.  The job, raising kids, the wife, friends, the never-ending Honey-do List (have you met my wife? the woman never quits!) it just seemed like I never had time for myself.  Taking care of yourself is as important as eating every day, and that is a topic for another post.  If you have a chronic disease, it becomes all that more important to carve out some time for yourself, and FYI obesity, insomnia, and anxiety fall into the category of chronic disorders.  And as far as Covid concerns go, a paper published at the University of Bath in the UK found that regular exercise also improves the body’s immune system and aids the body’s recovery from infection.

2) I can’t jog or do a push up. What do I do?  Everyone must start somewhere, and just by activating muscles in exercises like arm curls with dumbbells or pushups using a wall to assist can get you on the right path.  There are many ways to increase the heart rate and begin increasing muscle strength. The right diet will also provide an added benefit of weight loss.  And as you lose weight and increase muscle mass, a lot of these activities will become easier.

3) I am not overweight, but I sit behind a desk all day, and my lower back hurts. Your lower back is only the most pronounced issue because it causes you pain, and this is a common ailment for 80% of the population.  Do you know that sitting for long periods of time leads to increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and abnormal cholesterol levels? Carving out even 30 minutes a day for mindful exercise will have a big impact on your health.

Body Industry Gym is here to help you on your fitness journey.  We have struggled with many of these issues ourselves and are here to help you navigate your way to a better you. You just need to take the first step, so drop in and see us.

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